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无水奶油 Anhydrous Milk Fat
化学及物理指标 / Chemical And Physical Standard
脂肪 / Fat-------------------------------------------------------------min. 98.0%
游离脂肪酸 / Free Fat Acid---------------------------------------max. 1.0%
水分 / Moisture------------------------------------------------------max. 1.0%
微生物指标 / Microbiological Standard
细菌总数 / Total plate count------------------------------------max. 50000 CFU/g
霉菌 / moulds------------------------------------------------------max. 90 CFU/g
大肠菌群 / Coliforms---------------------------------------------max. 90MPN/100g
沙门氏菌 / Salmonella-------------------------------------------absent in 25g
金黄色葡萄球菌 / Staphylococcus aureus-----------------absent in 25g
储存 / Storing
Products should be kept in cool,dry, ventilated place. Temperatures below 25℃, relative humidities below 65% and an odour free environment will extend storage life. 12 months after date production.
包装 / Packing
190 kg net weight, Food grade metal drum. |